Frequently asked questions

Below you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive from our customers on a daily basis.

1. I would like to buy a house but it is my first time. What should I do?

If you have to take out a mortgage to buy, you should first consult a financial advisor to assess which mortgage amount is available and under what conditions. Next, calculate the ancillary costs. Only after the budget has been defined can you proceed with the search for the flat.

2. What is the margin of negotiability of the price of a property?

There is no ‘standard’ negotiation margin. It is better to assess how much you are willing to pay for that flat and then proceed with an offer, rather than miss out on a good deal just because you feel you have to negotiate the price and then have your offer rejected.

3. What commission will I have to pay for the purchase of a property and what services does it include?

The commission fee may vary from 3 to 4% plus VAT as required by law and provides numerous services, including accompanying the client to view the property; drafting a purchase proposal that protects the interests of both parties, also by means of style clauses according to requirements (condition precedent for the verification of documentation, condition precedent for access to a loan, etc.); entertaining relations with the notary appointed for the stipulation and, in the case of purchase with a loan, with the credit institution; drafting supplementary writing; etc.

4. What is the commission I have to pay for the SALE of a property and what services does it include?

The commission fee can vary from 1% to 3% plus VAT as per law depending on the services that will be requested. You can find all the activities that LEAD can perform in the execution of the assignment in our marketing plan.

5. How do I know if the documents of a property proposed by you are in order?

The commission fee can vary from 1% to 3% plus VAT as per the law depending on the services that will be requested. You can find all the activities that LEAD can perform in the execution of the assignment in our marketing plan.

6. Can I tie the proposed purchase to a mortgage?

Yes, but the condition could weigh heavily in the negotiation phase with the seller, as the latter would have to wait a period of no less than 30-45 days before being able to start further negotiations. For this reason, when it is necessary to include the condition anyway, one may consider rebalancing the agreement by giving the seller the option of continuing the sale of the property and being able to release himself from the agreement if necessary in the event of receiving an unconditional proposal.

7. What should I do if I have to sell my flat first in order to buy?

In questo caso è opportuno rivolgersi ad un professionista che possa fare una valutazione generale della vostra situazione, eventualmente anche finanziaria qualora per il riacquisto si renda necessario accedere ad un mutuo. Questo vi permetterà di conoscere esattamente quali sono gli aspetti più importanti da valutare prima di commettere degli errori.

8. Has the regularity of the documents been checked?

For properties for which we have a direct sales mandate, we collect and analyse the documentation in advance and, if necessary, we employ a professional to draw up the HouseBook. In the case of properties offered by real estate agents outside our organisation, we will assess, before proceeding to the delivery of the deposit, the advisability of making the purchase proposal conditional on prior verification of the regularity and completeness of the documentation

9. Can a mortgaged property be sold?

Certainly. In the case of a voluntary mortgage loan that cannot be discharged prior to the deed due to insufficient funds on the part of the seller, it will be discharged on the day of the notarised deed of sale, even from part of the net proceeds of the loan taken out by the buyer.

10. Can a property without a certificate of occupancy be sold/rented?

To find out more you can read the articles we have published in our BLOG:


11. Can a property without plant conformity certificates be sold/rented?

To find out more you can read the articles we have published in our BLOG:


12. Can I sell a foreclosed property?

Certainly. In this case, however, it is advisable to consult a professional who can verify the situation, also with the help of a lawyer. Only then can you proceed with the sale, so that you can find a buyer on the market and avoid the greater damage that would be caused if the property were to be put up for auction.

13. What documents do I need to have to sell a property?

The documents required to sell a property can change from time to time. In general, it is indispensable to have: the deed of provenance; documents certifying the building and town-planning situation (both primary and subsequent, including any applications for amnesty); certificate of habitability; cadastral plan in conformity with the state of the place; cadastral survey; A.P.E. (Energy Performance Certificate).

14. Why do I have to pay a commission for selling/renting my property?

Anyone who decides to contact a professional Estate Agent, whether to sell or to buy or rent a property, knows that they will receive a range of services that are essential to guarantee security and peace of mind for all parties involved. The real estate agent will provide experience and invest time and money to promote the property in the best possible way and achieve the set goals.

15. Does the sales assignment have to be exclusive?

An exclusive assignment guarantees a better service than a non-exclusive assignment, where the Estate Agent cannot invest enough time and money due to the high risk of not seeing a return. Although there is a belief that by giving several assignments to different agencies one will have a better chance of selling/renting, in most cases the opposite effect will be achieved as no one will commit to promoting the property. Furthermore, in the case of real estate agents who work in MLSs, or whose forms stipulate a commitment to collaborate with other real estate agents, giving a non-exclusive assignment would not make sense.

16. If the property does not sell do I still have to pay a commission?

As a rule, assignments given on an exclusive basis do not include any fees in the event of a non-sale. On the other hand, it is possible that, in the case of a non-exclusive assignment, a fee may be requested and/or agreed upon as reimbursement of expenses.

17. How is the value of a property calculated?

Establishing the value of a property is very difficult and it often takes years of experience to be able to assess all the aspects involved in a correct valuation. A distinction should also be made between a technical and an economic valuation. This is why it is important to contact an estate agent who can best advise you on the basis of your real needs. Beware of relying on the highest valuation or the ‘automatic’ valuations that can be obtained through the software of various real estate portals.

18. What are the factors that have the greatest influence on the valuation of a property?

The factors that have the greatest influence on the valuation of a property are: the completeness of the documentation, the location, the context, the elegance of the building, the floor, the presence of a lift, the presence of outdoor spaces, the exposure, the view, the distribution of indoor spaces, the state of maintenance, the presence of appliances such as cellars, garages or parking spaces, etc.

19. Can a rented property be sold? Does the value decrease?

A rented property can certainly be sold. Its value may be reduced by a percentage that may vary on the basis of various factors: e.g. the remaining years of the contract, the rent paid by the tenant, guarantees offered on the payment of rent, etc.

20. Who is the Property Finder?

The Property Finder is the person to whom one decides to entrust the search for a property. In this case, a search assignment is given in which the duration of the assignment, the type of property sought, the fee that will be paid to the Property Finder if he or she identifies one or more properties corresponding to the characteristics sought are established.

21. What does collaboration between real estate agencies mean?

Collaboration between real estate agencies means that you are willing to share your property portfolio or enquiries with other colleagues in order to achieve the goal of selling/leasing as soon as possible and at the best possible price. In this case, commissions will be divided on the basis of specific agreements between the agencies and without any burden on the seller or buyer, who will only receive a more efficient service.

22. Does an estate agency have to take professional photos and videos?

It is not an obligation for the real estate agency, we do it. You can see the way we offer real estate at this LINK.

23. Can I have a prior documentary analysis carried out?

Through our professionals we can draw up the HouseBook, the exclusive file through which copies of building and urban planning documentation are obtained (primary and subsequent titles, projects, certificate of habitability, cadastral plan, cadastral survey, etc.. ), documentation of provenance is collected and analysed, mortgage searches are carried out to verify the continuity of transcriptions and the inexistence of prejudicial inscriptions and/or transcriptions, an inspection is carried out by a technician to perform the Energy Performance Certificate (APE) and assess the correspondence between the legal and actual state of the property. Finally, an Integrated Technical Report is issued in which a report is made with any observations.

24. By signing the visit sheet, what do I commit myself to?

Signing the visit sheet does not entail any commitment other than acknowledging the activity of the Estate Agent, declaring that you have never seen the property before, that there is no relationship and there have been no negotiations with the owner, the agreement of the fee in case of purchase and the authorisation to process data for privacy purposes

25. What is HouseBook?

The HouseBook is the exclusive file through which copies of building and urban planning documentation (primary and subsequent titles, projects, certificate of habitability, cadastral planimetry, cadastral land registry view, etc.) are obtained. ), documentation of provenance is collected and analysed, mortgage searches are carried out to verify the continuity of transcriptions and the inexistence of prejudicial inscriptions and/or transcriptions, an inspection is carried out by a technician to perform the Energy Performance Certificate (APE) and assess the correspondence between the legal and actual state of the property. Finally, an Integrated Technical Report is issued in which a report is made with any observations.

26. How much does the Housebook cost and what does it include?

The cost of the HouseBook is € 990.00 plus VAT but, in the case of an exclusive sale assignment, the cost will be borne by LEAD.

27. Why should I go to an estate agency that is not in my area?

Choosing the right Estate Agent is an important moment. In order to make the right choice, it is essential, in addition to the location of the agency, to assess the Estate Agent's skills, security, reliability and the trust he or she conveys, also in relation to the services he or she can offer to achieve the objectives set. One piece of advice we would like to give you is to understand the ‘philosophy’ of the Estate Agent: better one has ‘the end of time’ in mind than one who has ‘the end of the month’ in mind! Therefore, when you are offered a commission-free (or almost commission-free) job, it is important to think carefully about whether this is the right person for you.

28. What services are included in the commission fee?

The services that LEAD can offer its clients can vary significantly depending on the requirements of each case. To assess the effectiveness of the activity offered by LEAD, you can take a look at our ‘Safe Selling’ strategies at the following link:

29. How do you check the creditworthiness of a potential tenant?

The creditworthiness of a potential tenant is verified by: obtaining documents proving his or her earning capacity (e.g. In the case of employees, whether he/she is a civil servant or a private company; the solidity of the company employing him/her; his/her assets by checking whether he/she owns other real estate; an analysis by specialised companies of his/her positions/shareholdings in companies and whether there are any protests, prejudicial acts or proceedings initiated against him/her or companies connected to him/her. Once these checks have been carried out, consideration will be given to whether further guarantees should be requested from the person concerned, such as a surety (bank or personal from a third party).

30. How do you check the solvency of a potential buyer?

The solvency of the potential buyer is verified through a careful analysis carried out by one of our financial advisers, before or at the same time as signing the purchase proposal. In addition, through specialised companies we check whether there are any protests, prejudicial acts or proceedings initiated against the person or companies connected to him.

Lead Real Estate Solutions

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